ASG in the News

  1. ASG Director Steve Clemons on HuffPost Live

    Published: September 7th, 2012

    Afghanistan Study Group Director Steve Clemons discusses the future of Afghanistan and the U.S. drawdown on HuffPost Live.

    Click here to watch.

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  2. ASG Member Steve Clemons on MSNBC

    Published: December 15th, 2010

    Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

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  3. Congress returns to Washington & The War in Afghanistan

    Published: November 15th, 2010

    Lawmakers return to Washington with an agenda crowded with spending and tax issues. We’ll talk with 5th district Congressman Steve King and get his take on the GOP taking control of the house and what it mans for a number of legislative priorities. Later, a conversation with former Marine Corps captain Matthew Hoh. In 2009 Hoh resigned his State Department position over U.S. policy in Afghanistan and became an outspoken critic of the conflict. Hoh wiill discuss his position during a stop this week in Iowa City. Link to audio here

  4. U.S. Plan Envisions Path to Ending Afghan Combat

    Published: November 15th, 2010
    Author: Peter Baker and Rod Nordland

    The Obama administration has developed a plan to begin transferring security duties in select areas of Afghanistan to that country’s forces over the next 18 to 24 months, with an eye toward ending the American combat mission there by 2014, officials said Sunday.

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  5. Cut the Deficit by Cutting the Wars

    Published: November 15th, 2010
    Author: Jc Torpey

    The main federal spending that coincides with the deficit is the Iraq War combined with the  War.

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  6. Rainmaking in Afghanistan

    Published: November 12th, 2010
    Author: Amitai Etzioni

    The reports from our generals in Afghanistan remind Amitai Etzioni of a study by anthropologist E. E. Evans-Pritchard.

  7. Independent Task Force Conditionally Supports U.S. Policy in Pakistan, Afghanistan, but Argues for Changing Strategy Absent Progress

    Published: November 12th, 2010

    Independent task force says current approach to the region is at a critical point. “We are mindful of the real threat we face. But we are also aware of the costs of the present strategy. We cannot accept these costs unless the strategy begins to show signs of progress.”


  8. New To Old: Obama Travels Signal Foreign Policy Shift

    Published: November 12th, 2010

    After many months at home, President Obama is taking back-to-back foreign trips that represent a pivot from new foreign policy challenges to old ones.

    Listen to the Story


  9. Matt Hoh on Viewpoint with James Zogby

    Published: November 12th, 2010

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  10. U.S. Tweaks Message on Troops in Afghanistan

    Published: November 11th, 2010
    Author: Elisabeth Bumiller

    American officials are now emphasizing that there will be no significant troop withdrawals in 2011.
