Daily Archives: November 15, 2010

Congress returns to Washington & The War in Afghanistan

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Lawmakers return to Washington with an agenda crowded with spending and tax issues. We’ll talk with 5th district Congressman Steve King and get his take on the GOP taking control of the house and what it mans for a number … Continue reading

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U.S. Plan Envisions Path to Ending Afghan Combat

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The Obama administration has developed a plan to begin transferring security duties in select areas of Afghanistan to that country’s forces over the next 18 to 24 months, with an eye toward ending the American combat mission there by 2014, … Continue reading

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11/12/2010 Afghanistan Update: No Games in December, Let’s Have a Real Review

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Edward Kenney Afghanistan Study Group Blogger Afghanistan Update 11/12/10:  Council on Foreign Relations Releases Af-Pak Review The Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) has just published a policy paper on U.S. foreign policy in Afghanistan and Pakistan.  The 70 page report … Continue reading

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Cut the Deficit by Cutting the Wars

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The main federal spending that coincides with the deficit is the Iraq War combined with the  War.

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